Iranian psychologist, online Persian psychotherapist for Iranians in Europe

  • آگهی رایگان
  • کدآگهی 1089905
  • بازدید 304
  • نام دکتر مرضیه خمسه روانشناس ورواندرمانگر
  • دسته بندی مشاوره
  • تلفن 00989304390117 09304390117
  • بروزرسانی سه شنبه 10 بهمن 1402
  • شهر ارومیه
  • آدرس تهران میدان پونک
روانشناس ایرانی، روان درمانگر فارسی زبان وزوج درمانگر آنلاین برای ایرانیان اروپا
دکتر مرضیه خمسه
Iranian psychologist, Farsi-speaking psychotherapist and couples therapist Dr. Marzieh Khamse

The best Iranian psychologist, psychotherapist, couple therapist and marriage counselor for Iranians inside and outside the country
Dr. Marzieh Khamse

Have you ever wondered why people act differently in different situations? Today's world is full of internal and external contradictions. Contradictions that Iranians, especially immigrants, are very familiar with. Every human being should resist these contradictions with all his learning. For some reason, some people do not have appropriate and useful learning in their pocket. In such a situation, the intervention and presence of an experienced Iranian psychologist becomes very important, especially for Iranians abroad. But who can be trusted?

What are the characteristics of a good and reliable Iranian psychologist and psychotherapist?
✓ Iran is a traditional and collectivist society that is moving towards modernity and western cultures. This, in turn, can cause problems for Iranians. Many of our beliefs, beliefs and dos and don'ts are rooted in this culture. Therefore, a good psychotherapist and psychologist should first of all be familiar with Iranian culture and subcultures.
✓ It is very important for an Iranian psychologist to master various fields, especially the family. Because the role of family upbringing in the formation of people's personality from childhood to adulthood is very clear. Iranians abroad face this issue more when they get married.
✓ As we said earlier, part of people's problem is due to the lack of proper skill reserves, which can be solved with psychological training. Short-term treatments are undoubtedly education-oriented. Therefore, training affects the treatment not only in terms of efficiency but also in terms of finances.
✓ Accredited academic and non-academic degrees, along with experience, are considered an important factor in the reliability of an Iranian and non-Iranian psychologist.
Of course, note that the best psychotherapists also need the will and passion of their clients to advance their methods. Dr. Marzieh Khamsa is no exception to this rule. In the following, we will introduce him further, because all Iranians across the globe can share their problems with him in various fields.

Iranian psychologist
Who is Dr. Marzieh Khamse?
Dr. Marzieh Khamse is an Iranian psychotherapist and psychologist, a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and a member of the country's psychology and counseling system organization with code number 8185, who, while working professionally in Tehran, is ready to serve Iranians abroad. In fact, they have provided conditions for Iranians abroad to come as a hope to solve their problems.

Dr. Khamseh has more than 14 years of experience in face-to-face and non-face-to-face consultation and treatment in the following areas:

• Individual and interpersonal psychotherapy
• Premarital Counseling
• Counseling and prediction of marriage risk
• Couple therapy
• Puberty counseling
• Mental health counseling
• Online counseling
• on phone consultancy

Telegram, WhatsApp and IMO numbers for coordinating face-to-face, telephone and online video consultations 09304390117
Therefore, Dr. Khamseh, as an Iranian family psychologist and expert in couple therapy, covers most areas and psychological and even psychosomatic problems.

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