مركزآموزش تخصصي GRE

  • آگهی رایگان
  • کدآگهی 178640
  • بازدید 3087
  • نام amirjavadi
  • دسته بندی استخدام
  • تلفن 88631779 88636960
  • بروزرسانی شنبه 5 اسفند 1396
  • قیمت متناسب با آموزش
  • شهر تهران
  • آدرس خيابان كارگر شما لي بالاتر از فاطمي نبش كوچه لاله پلاك 2
تخصصي ترين مركز آموزش GRE موسسه آموزشي پژوهشي راهبرد پيمايش با مجوزوزارت علوم وسازمان مديريت
, Grammar review
Covering concepts tested on the GRE Verbal section .
1) Reading comprehension questions
2) Sentence completion
3) Antonyms
4) Analogies
5) Quantitative comparison question
6) Problem solving-discrete quantitative questions data . interpretation questions .
7) Critical reasoning
8) Analytical writing.
In this course more than 1500 questions and tests with explanatory answers will be sold at the very happy atmosphere .

بين المللي جهت اخذ پذيرش در رشته هاي مهندسي,GREجي ار اي . مرکز آموزشي پژوهشي راهبرد پيمايش کلاسهاي تخصصي و...از دانشگاههاي امريکا اروپا کانادا استراليارا برگزار مينمايد ونيز مشاوره جهت اخذ پذيرش از دانشگاه هاي راارائه ميدهد. در اين دوره بالغ بر 1500 تست بانك سوالات منابع اي تي اس تشريح و اناليز ميشود. اين مكان محيطي ايده ال وصميمي جهت گردهمايي فارغ التحصيلا ن ،بورس دسترسي به جديد ترين تستها. آخرين تكينيكهاي تست زني در (quantitative ,writing ,verbal) GRE امتحان ،
بانك اطلاعاتي برترين دانشگاهها ي امريكا ، كانادا ، اروپا ..... جهت اخذ پذيرش در مقاطع تحصيلات تكميلي.

خیابان کارگرشمالی بالاترازفاطمی نبش کوچه لاله پلاک 2 طبقه 2
(مسئول اموزش و مشاوره آقاي جوادي)
GRE_gre_etsجي ار اي_
ايرانيان است شما مي توانيد در صورت تمايل سوالات خود با ما در ميان GREمركز راهبرد پيمايش كلوب
بگذاريد و جواب آنها را به صورت
دريافت نماييدEMAIL
The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a commercially-run standardized test that is an admission requirement for many graduate schools, principally in the United States also in other English-speaking countries. Created and administered by Educational Testing Service (or ETS) in 1949 the exam is primarily focused on testing abstract thinking skills in the areas of mathematics, vocabulary, and analytical writing. The GRE is typically a computer-based exam that is administered by select qualified testing centers; however, paper-based exams are offered in areas of the world that lack the technological requirements.
In the graduate school admissions process, the level of emphasis that is placed upon GRE scores varies widely between schools and between departments within schools. The importance of a GRE score can range from being a mere admission formality to an important selection factor.
Critics of the GRE have argued that the exam format is so rigid that it effectively tests only how well a student can conform to a standardized test taking procedure. ETS responded by announcing plans in 2006 to radically redesign the test structure starting in the fall of 2007; however, the company has since announced, Plans for launching an entirely new test all at once were dropped, and ETS decided to introduce new question types and improvements gradually over time. The new questions have been gradually introduced since November 2007
آگهی های مرتبط : استخدام
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