قروش برد FPGA از ALTERA DE2

  • آگهی رایگان
  • کدآگهی 423361
  • بازدید 6081
  • نام عطارزاده
  • دسته بندی برق صنعتي
  • تلفن 09109036785
  • بروزرسانی شنبه 5 اسفند 1396
  • قیمت 1,350,000 ت
  • شهر تهران
  • آدرس
برد FPGA آلترا DE2
برد آموزشی FPGA
دارای ورودی AV
دارای خروجی و ورودی صدا
دارای خروجی VGA 10 بیتی
دارای USB HOST and Device
LCD & ...
Altera Cyclone II 2C35 FPGA with 35000 LEs
Altera Serial Configuration devices (EPCS16) for Cyclone II 2C35
USB Blaster built in on board for programming and user API controlling
JTAG Mode and AS Mode are supported
8Mbyte (1M x 4 x 16) SDRAM
512K byte(256K X16) SRAM
4Mbyte Flash Memory (upgradeable to 4Mbyte)
SD Card Socket
4 Push-button switches
18 DPDT switches
9 Green User LEDs
18 Red User LEDs
16 x 2 LCD Module
50-MHz oscillator and 27-MHz (from TV decoder) for clock sources
24-bit CD-Quality Audio CODEC with line-in, line-out, and microphone-in jacks
VGA DAC (10-bit high-speed triple DACs) with VGA out connector
TV Decoder (NTSC/PAL) and TV in connector
10/100 Ethernet Controller with socket.
USB Host/Slave Controller with USB type A and type B connectors.
RS-232 Transceiver and 9-pin connector
PS/2 mouse/keyboard connector
IrDA transceiver
Two 40-pin Expansion Headers with diode protection
DE2 Lab CD-ROM which contains many examples with source code to exercise the boards, including: SDRAM and Flash Controller, CD-Quality Music Player, VGA and TV Labs, SD Card reader, RS-232/PS-2 Communication Labs, NIOSII, and Control Panel API

http://www.terasic.com.tw/cgi-bin/page/a rchive.pl?Language=English&CategoryNo=53 &No=30&PartNo=2

http://www.terasic.com.tw/attachment/arc hive/30/image/image_58_thumb.jpg
عبارت های کلیدی : DE2 ALTERA برد

آگهی های مرتبط : برق صنعتي
7 سال پیش

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