میتسوبیشیplc hmi servo motion mitsubi - تهران

  • آگهی رایگان
  • کدآگهی 761246
  • بازدید 838
  • نام شرکت صنعتی و بازرگانی کیمیا
  • دسته بندی لوازم صنعتي
  • تلفن 021 65573801 65573802 0912343
  • بروزرسانی شنبه 5 اسفند 1396
  • شهر تهران
  • آدرس شهر اندیشه -شهرک صدف-مجتمع زیتون-طبقه دوم-واحد7
شركت كيمياي تيوافن تأمين كننده كليه لوازم صنعتي ميتسوبيشي و غيره در مدلهاي مختلف با خدمات پس از فروش در ايران از جمله:

Modular PLC:
The modular concept
Building on its predecessor, the AnSH, SystemQ is a control concept that allows users to mix and select the best combination of CPUs, communication devices, specialist control modules and discreet I/O on a back-plane.
This allows users to configure systems into what they need, when they need it, where they need it.
Multiple capabilities
Basic and advanced PLC CPUs, specialist motion and process controllers and even PCs can be combined into a single SystemQ solution with up to four different CPUs. This gives users a choice of control philosophies, programming concepts and programming languages – all from a single platform.
An automation platform for the future
Flexibility and scalability are key design features that enable System Q to truly be a single Automation Platform. Users can apply simple control to an individual machine or integrated plant wide management all from the same hardware base.
Product range:
- Power Supply
- Inputs/Outputs
- Digital Outputs
- Cycle period/log.instr
Processes and quality standards are becoming increasingly complex and demanding, requiring industrial automation systems capable of providing much more detailed information on the control processes for plant and machinery.
Mitsubishi Electric provides a broad spectrum of operating and visualisation systems, ranging from simple text-based HMI panels to full-featured industrial PCs. The series include text-based HMI panels, graphical HMI panels, HMI panels with function keys, HMI panels with touch screens and industrial PCs in a variety of different versions.

Mitsubishi Electric has pushed forward the development of its visualisation programme, realigning the products in this sector with a new concept called Vision 1000. This concept is built around three series of products based on the latest technologies: the E1000, IPC1000 and GOT1000 series. All three series share flexibility, openess and seamless compatibility with all Mitsubishi Electric automation systems.
Mitsubishi operating and visualisation systems offer many application advantages:
• Easier operation and better control of the process
• A clear representation of the process in text and graphics
• Generation of reports for quality control and interfaces for process data communications with other departments
• Precise error messages and instructions
• Flexible, open and thoroughly compatible with all Mitsubishi automation systems
• Third-party system compatibility for universal deployment
HMI – E Series:
The E series is a superb example of successful industrial design. With the new E1000-series Mitsubishi extended its product line with 11 new models across it's key and touch screen ranges.
The new control units are also packed with advanced Mitsubishi technology standards, such as comprehensive communications support, which includes networking, Internet and SMS mobile network text messaging capabilities - along with features like multi-language user interfaces and dual driver support.
HMI – GOT Series:
The GOT series is the ultimate in control unit quality and performance. The impressive array of functions and simple touchscreen operation give users everything they want and need.
Servo Drives,Motion:
- Servo/Motion – MR-E Super
- Servo/Motion – MR-J3
- Servo/Motion – MR-J2S
- Servo/Motion – Servomotors

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آگهی های مرتبط : لوازم صنعتي