انتخاب موقعیت
انتخاب گروهبندی

PIC18F14K50-I SO

آگهی رایگان
بروزرسانی : يکشنبه 23 مهر 1402
میکروکنترلر 8 بیتی میکروچیپ با فلش 16 کیلو بایت و رم 768 بایت و فرکانس کاری 48 مگاهرتز 20-Pin USB Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt XLP Technology

دریافت دیتا شیت

دریافت کتابخانه( ALITUM DESIGNER )

:Universal Serial Bus Features
USB V2.0 Compliant SIE
( Full Speed (12 Mb/s) and Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s
Supports Control, Interrupt, Isochronous and Bulk Transfers
( Supports up to 16 Endpoints (8 bidirectional
256-byte Dual Access RAM for USB
Input-change interrupt on D+/D- for detecting
physical connection to USB host
:High Performance RISC CPU
: C Compiler Optimized Architecture
Optional extended instruction set designed to
optimize re-entrant code
256 bytes, data EEPROM
Up to 16 Kbytes linear program memory addressing
Up to 768 bytes linear data memory addressing
Priority levels for Interrupts
8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier
:Flexible Oscillator Structure
CPU divider to run the core slower than the USB peripheral
: 16 MHz Internal Oscillator Block
Software selectable frequencies, 31 kHz to 16 MHz
Provides a complete range of clock speeds from 31 kHz to 32 MHz when used with PLL
User tunable to compensate for frequency drift
Four Crystal modes, up to 48 MHz
External Clock modes, up to 48 MHz
( 4X Phase Lock Loop (PLL
Secondary oscillator using Timer1 at 32 kHz
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor:
Allows for safe shutdown if primary or secondary oscillator stops
Two-speed Oscillator Start-up
:Special Microcontroller Features
Full 5.5V Operation – PIC18F1XK50
1.8V-3.6V Operation – PIC18LF1XK50
Self-programmable under Software Control
Programmable Brown-out Reset (BOR) With software enable option Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT) Programmable period from 4ms to 131s
Single-supply 3V In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two pins Extreme Low-Power Management
:PIC18LF1XK50 with nanoWatt XLP
Sleep mode: 24 nA
Watchdog Timer: 450 nA
Timer1 Oscillator: 790 nA @ 32 kHz
:Analog Features
:Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) module
10-bit resolution, 9 external channels
Auto acquisition capability
Conversion available during Sleep
Internal 1.024V Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) channel
Independent input multiplexing
Dual Analog Comparators
Rail-to-rail operation
Independent input multiplexing
: Voltage Reference module
Programmable (% of VDD), 16 steps
Two 16-level voltage ranges using VREF pins
Programmable Fixed Voltage Reference
(FVR), 3 levels On-chip 3.2V LDO Regulator – (PIC18F1XK50)
:Peripheral Highlights
: 14 I/O Pins plus 1 Input-only pin
High-current sink/source 25 mA/25 mA
7 Programmable weak pull-ups
7 Programmable Interrupt-on-change pins
3 programmable external interrupts
Programmable slew rate
: Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) module
One, two, three, or four PWM outputs
Selectable polarity
Programmable dead time
Auto-shutdown and Auto-restart
(Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) module: 3-wire SPI (supports all 4 modes)- I2C™ Master and Slave modes (Slave mode address masking
Enhanced Universal Synchronous Asynchronous
:Receiver Transmitter (EUSART) module
Supports RS-485, RS-232 and LIN 2.0
RS-232 operation using internal oscillator
Auto-Baud Detect
Auto-Wake-up on Break
SR Latch mode

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آگهی دهنده
آترین الکترونیک
  • قیمت : 350,000
  • تلفن :
  • شهر :
  • آدرس : تهران خیابان جمهوری بعد از پل حافظ پاساژ امجد طبقه اول واحد 16
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
کدآگهی : 1105238
بازدید : 251
دسته بندی : الكترونيك
آگهی دهنده
آترین الکترونیک
  • قیمت : 350,000
  • تلفن :
  • شهر :
  • آدرس : تهران خیابان جمهوری بعد از پل حافظ پاساژ امجد طبقه اول واحد 16
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی

بهترین پنل اس ام اس با بیشترین امکانات و کمترین تعرفه پیامک
