انتخاب موقعیت
انتخاب گروهبندی

انجام پروژه و کار به صورت پاره وقت

آگهی رایگان
بروزرسانی : شنبه 5 اسفند 1396
Name: Reza
Family Name: Ferdosi
Birthday Date: 14/6/1362
Mechanical Engineering – Manufacturing (Master of Science (studying) – The University of Tehran
Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing (Iran University Science & Technology)
Certificate of Pneumatics Maintenance (Festo)
Certificate of Hydraulics Maintenance (Festo)
1. CNC Operator (Iran Mofidi Corporation)
2. Grating Designer (Arak Rail Corporation)
3. Sale Technical Inspector in Cutting Tools (ATK Corporation)
4. Pressure Vessel And Gas Filter Designer (Kiasa Corporation )
5. Maintenance Inspector (Fanavaran Sanaat Miaad ( RAJA ))
6. Designer of weighting systems (Kara Towzin Electric)
7. Member of Manufacturing Academy (IUST - Arak university )
8. Teacher ( Dabirane Ghalam Institute )
9. Designer of aviation systems ( Faraz Sanat Sharif )
10. Translator ( Nasle Sabz Office )
Modeling Software

Solid works, Catia , Mechanical desktop 3d via composer & Auto Cad
Designation Software
Mechsoft , Compress , Automation Studio
FEM Software
Ansys , Ansys Workbench , Abaqus , Cosmos , Poly flow , Visual Nastran, Deform
Official Soft wares
Word, Power point , Excel
Programming Language
Pascal, VB, Matlab
1. Cladding by extrusion (MS project)
2. Parison wall thickness control in blow molding (BS project)
3. Gear box of mini baja ( IUST Arak university project )
4. Dry gas filter test station ( Kiasa )
5. Translation of manual guides ( HEPCO )
6. Drawing of Baler Gear Box ( Combine Sazi Corporation )
7. Designing gate crane, cnc cutting machine, deadweight machine (Kara Towzin Electric Company)
8. Designing and Manufacturing weighting systems (Kara Towzin Electric Company)
9. Designing and manufacturing Round Bar bending Machine & concrete mold (Kara Towzin Electric Company)
10. Repairing hydraulic circuits of Feromatik injection molding machine (Pelican Company)
11. Compilation of machining processes & Designing turning and milling jig (Ajzaye Daghigh Company)
12. Designing various nice metallic, plastic indicators for weighting systems (Kara Towzin Electric Company)
1. Concurrent engineering
2. Welding and heat treatment fixtures
3. Fracture mechanism
4. Spring back
5. Shakedown and ratcheting plasticity
Having a good knowledge about:
1. Pipe equipments ( Pipe , Needle , Half Coupling , Male Stud , Elbow , Flange , Cap , valves )
2. Electrical elements ( AC motor , DC motor , Relay , Contactor , Proximity switch )
3. Festo ,Rexroth , Pramet , SKF & Zemic Catalogues
4. Injection and Blow Molding Machine
5. Load cell
6. Polymer fittings & pipe
7. ISO / TS Systems
8. Cascade circuits
9. Reinforced Concrete
10. Asme & API
11. WPS & PQR
12. Sheet metal fabrication
13. Die fabrication
1. Climbing
2. Watching football matches
3. Reading poem and book
4. Watching movies
5. Discussion
Email: Ferdosimecheng@gmail
آگهی دهنده
رضا فردوسی
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
کدآگهی : 287827
بازدید : 7113
دسته بندی : آماده به كار
آگهی دهنده
رضا فردوسی
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی

بهترین پنل اس ام اس با بیشترین امکانات و کمترین تعرفه پیامک
