Display management services.
Technological knowledge transfer.
Researching designs in the bases of develop ,produce ,economy
Buying and selling
1- Designing, manufacturing and updating mini refinery (crude oil refinery systems).
2- Designing, manufacturing and updating of production lines of refining used oil (refinery II).
3- Transferring production lines systems of refining used oil (refinery II) from acidic to nonacid.
4- Designing, producing, manufacturing filtration for general industry, usage specially refinery industry.
5- Designing and starting quality and quantity control laboratory in the bases of productions.
6- Supervising and maintenance services in all of above fields.
1- Technology of designing and manufacturing and updating mini refinery (Continuous process and batch).
2- Technology of designing and manufacturing and updating production lines of Refining used oil (refinery II).
3- Technology of transferring production lines systems of Refining used oil (refinery II) from acidic to nonacid.
Research designs in base of economy develop and production.
1- Producing comprehensive designs, comprehensive studies in the base of market requirement.
2- Geology studies and soil mechanic.
3- Interpretation and evaluation economy production engineering and improvement production procedure.
4- Purchasing engineering include programming, buying, based material and selling production.
5- Detailed engineering, comprehensive studies and base engineering.