Making benefit value process
Each barrel of used oil is purchased about 55 U.S.D in Iran market this amount of money is thrown off in Dubai country.
Each barrel of treated base oil is more than 110 U.S.D.
In our process the period of time is about 14 hours, if 1oo of barrels can be converted in to base oil , can be the following results.
The efficiency of process is 70 percent of base oil but justify with other projects and clarify the real value.
If each 5 barrel of oil assume as one tone, the final direct expense of processes for 100 barrel in this project will be 500 U.S.D.
If only 60 barrel of treated base oil , the real value will be 6600 U.S.D.
With the decrease purchasing of used oil and direct expenses process , the value of the process is 600 U.S.D in 14 hours.
While will be more than this amount would be in Iran factories.
To compare different processes 6 factors of evaluation of treatment used oil will in be the following chart;
1- Technology of all projects are available and can be contacted.
2- Should be mentioned the project E is exclusively with US.